A Yemenite Jew

A Yemenite Jew
Jews have beeen in Yemen for thousands of years now they are being driven out by fanatical muslims

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jewish Defense Organization blasts Neturei Karta

Below is an article about what the JDO did against the Neturrei Karta traitors who hugged and
met with the "Hitler of Iran" Ahamdinejad at the "Holocaust is a Jewish Lie" convention meeting
the neturei Karta flew to Tehran Iran.
US Orthodox slam Natorei Karta Holocaust conference attendanceMichal Lando, THE
JERUSALEM POST The participation of the Natorei Karta in a Holocaust denial
conference held in Teheran last month, continues to draw the ire of Jews, but particularly that of
the haredim who feel their credibility and image was threatened by the actions of the small
anti-Zionist group. The latest show of opposition came Sunday when hundreds of Jews, mostly
Orthodox, protested in Monsey, NY, where the Natorei Karta have one of their headquarters.
Organized by a militant Jewish group, the Jewish Defense Organization (JDO) that holds training
sessions to teach Jews how to defend themselves against anti-Semitism, the protest was held
outside the Natorei Karta headquarters and home of Rabbi Dovid Weiss who recently returned
from the conference in Teheran. Weiss was one of several members of the group who attended
the conference hosted by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Weiss would not comment
on the protest, and told The Jerusalem Post that he has a policy of not speaking to "Zionist
newspapers." The protest was one part of a larger campaign, called "Operation Screwball," by the
JDO to ostracize the Natorei Karta. The JDO Web site now features photos of several members
of the sect with their telephone numbers and addresses, in an attempt to encourage harassment.
The group, is calling on synagogues and Jewish businesses in Monsey to deny entrance to or
association with the group's members. "We want them fired from their jobs and run out of
Monsey," said Mordechai Levy, the national director of the JDO. Protesters at Sunday's
gathering, who came from Brooklyn, New Jersey and other parts of the New York metro area,
carried signs that read "Natorei Karta U R Traitors."
  written by the JDO

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