A Yemenite Jew

A Yemenite Jew
Jews have beeen in Yemen for thousands of years now they are being driven out by fanatical muslims

Monday, July 5, 2010

More Terror

The Yeshanews.com website has prepared a detailed summary of 'Palestinian' terrorism against Israelis in the first six months of 2010. The picture is not as serene as a quick, occasional glance at daily newspapers, or even a detailed perusal thereof, might provide.

In short, five people -- a civilian Thai worker, a policeman and three soldiers -- were murdered, and a soldier was killed by friendly fire. Two Israelis were critically wounded, nine were moderately wounded, and 232 were lightly hurt in terror attacks or while fighting against terrorists.

A total of 139 rockets were fired during the six months, while 130 Arabs were apprehended with knives, of whom 22 admitted intending to perpetrate a terror attack. There were 60 shooting attacks, bombs, missiles fired, and attempted infiltrations at the Gaza border fence.

There were three documented attacks in which Arab drivers attempted to run down Israelis in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem; four people were lightly hurt. Other such attacks have been suspected, but as yet not proven.

Thirty-eight bombs were discovered throughout Judea and Samaria, while 218 people were hurt in rock attacks and Arab violence, including 56 civilians, among them three children.

Over this period, the Israel Air force attacked eight arms tunnels, a weapons factory, four terror bases, four munitions storage areas, and three terrorist cells engaged in shooting rockets. A total of 12 terrorists were killed and one was critically wounded. The Israeli marines killed six terrorists planning an attack from the sea, and altogether three terrorist infiltrations were prevented.

At least six incidents of vandalism against cemeteries have been documented, including three against the ancient Jewish cemetery in Hevron and the destruction of 23 gravestones on the Mt. of Olives.
